Showing posts with label Accoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accoes. Show all posts

Sunday 9 June 2024

Step By Step Guide: How To Research L1 Blockchains

Plus where to find useful research tools and data about major layer 1 blockchains.

Photo by Copilot from Microsoft

In this article, I will show you how to research layer 1 smart contract platforms. What is the point of examining Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and other base networks?

In short: It’s not just about determining the investment potential of an L1 blockchain itself. It also analyses the basic potential for layer 2 solutions in the given network.

Let me explain why.

A good layer 1 network is the basis for successful layer 2 solutions

We can view layer 1 blockchains as different nations. They are independent of each other, each of them has its own data, network, consensus mechanism, ecosystem, etc. They can validate and finalize transactions without other networks. The stronger a ‘nation’ is, the better the conditions for all projects developed as layer 2 protocols.

The law of multiplying by zero comes to mind: In some cases, a single critical mistake or deficiency can cause the whole system to collapse. Meaning that the most promising layer 2 crypto project will fail if the underlying L1 blockchain is a piece of junk.


With the basic understanding in place, let’s get to the meat of this guide and go through the individual steps of researching L1 blockchains.

How-to Research L1 Blockchains step-by-step

To determine the quality of a layer 1 network, you need to assess a couple of key aspects. Let’s look at them one by one.

1. Developer friendliness

This refers to how easy or difficult it is for others to build solutions on top of a given layer 1 network. The following points are of relevance here:

  • What is the chain’s programming language? An easy-to-learn programming language (or a blockchain that supports multiple languages) is more likely to attract developers.
  • How good is the online documentation and are there a lot of (up-to-date) tutorials available? This makes it easier for developers to learn to build on the chain.
  • What tools does the blockchain provide for developers of layer 2 applications? Think of software development kits (SDK), sandboxes, benchmarking tools, block explorers, smart contract compilers, debugging tools, etc.
Neo blockchain’s developer tools’ site. Source:
Neo blockchain’s developer tools’ site. Source:

To figure these things out, go to the L1 network’s website, and read their whitepaper and documentation.

2. Decentralization

Decentralisation is essential for blockchain security and its trustworthiness. What does decentralisation in this context mean? 

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin differentiates between 3 kinds:

  1. There is no single point of failure (architectural decentralisation).
  2. no individual or single organisation controls the whole system (political decentralisation).
  3. The network can be cut into half and each half functions like an independent unit (logistical decentralisation).

To summarise, you’d want to see a high degree of decentralisation. However, keep in mind, that there is no project that is 100% decentralised.

Moving on.

These are the things you should research to assess how decentralized a layer 1 blockchain is:

  • How many nodes are there? The more the better.
  • Where are they located? The further they are geographically distributed, the better.
  • What’s the share of the hash rate that individual mining pools hold in proof-of-work (PoW) networks?
  • How big is the share of coins held by the top wallets in a proof-of-stake (PoS) network?

If you want to understand this topic better, here is an in-depth article I wrote about the decentralization of some of the biggest blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

3. Security

Another very important aspect is how immutable a blockchain is. Most of us are not IT security specialists. That’s why we have to rely on developers, contributors, white-hat hackers, and others to make sure the blockchain’s code is free from bugs and risks. However, there are several questions we can try to answer:

  • Can the blockchain withstand various attacks such as a 51% attack, Sybil attack, distributed denial of service attack (DDoS), etc.?
  • It is also important for us to understand how different consensus algorithms work theoretically and what their advantages and disadvantages are. This in turn can help us to understand what kind of threats or attacks the blockchain could be facing.

By the way, have you already checked out my article about how to research cryptocurrencies? It’s the most extensive guide for free on the net!

4. Active users and daily transactions

You can build the best software ever. But if nobody uses it then it is nothing. That is why it’s important to get an understanding of user activity. These are the stats you should focus on:

  • What’s the long-term trend of user numbers? A steady increase in active users is a good sign.
  • What can you learn from the number of daily transactions? Again, what you’d want to see here is an increase in daily transactions.
  • How many hodlers are there? This plays into the former two stats. While a certain percentage of people just holding the blockchain’s native currency is a good thing you don’t want too many people just hoarding coins without ever using them.

The get this information check out the list of resources I am sharing at the bottom of this article.

5. Transaction fees

Ideally, transaction fees should be affordable for users. Too expensive fees could have a negative impact on the chain’s development. However, it could also reflect how much users are willing to pay for the block space. Premium = more security.

6. DApps and ecosystem

This is a great indicator, because if we view each L1 blockchain as a nation, then the DApps built on them are like the economic sectors in the nation. For a nation to thrive, diversified industries and economic activities are essential. Also, a big and diverse ecosystem attracts investments and new solutions.

Go to dappradar to see the popular DApps for every L1 blockchain. This website also lists the number of users of each DApp.

But DApps are just part of the whole ecosystem. Other aspects include exchanges (centralized and decentralized), and infrastructure such as bridges, oracles, APIs, etc.

7. Developer activity

This information can be found from the project’s Github page. It’s a great source for insights, even if you have zero knowledge about programming. Here you can learn about the following things:

  • How many active developers are contributing to the chain?
  • How many commits are there per day?

Let’s take Solana as an example:

Solana Github page (Source:
Solana Github page (Source:

On the ‘Contributors’ page, you can see the contribution activity over time as well as who are the main contributors and during which time frame they are active.

In the ‘Commits’ and ‘Code frequency’ sections, you can check more details about the number of commits, additions, and deletions every week.

PS: the website also summarizes Github commits information of 300 popular crypto projects.

8. Is the L1 network backed by VCs?

Institutional money is one of the easy to verify key indicators that tell you if a project is good or not. That’s because normally, VCs do their own in-depth research before they invest. However, being backed by a VC does not guarantee a project will be successful. The recent Terra debacle is a reminder of this.

9. Social media activity

To wrap things up, always take some time to check out a network’s social media accounts. Here’s what you can learn from taking a look at their Twitter, Telegram, Discord, etc.

  • What are they talking about? Just shilling the project or discussing problems and improvements?
  • Do they offer insights into road maps, development progress, etc.?
  • It is not a good sign if the official social media accounts have not been updated for some weeks. It could be a sign that the team is running into problems or has abandoned the project.

Summary + Useful links of major L1 blockchains:

It is challenging to find all the information I have listed in this guide. For example, there is no website listing the active addresses of certain projects. Don’t worry too much if some information is too hard to dig up. Just try to gather as much data as possible in order to make a well-founded statement about the status of a project.

Here are some great resources you can use when researching some of the top layer 1 blockchains:





Binance Smart Chain:

Sunday 2 June 2024

10 Reason Why, Now is the Best time - You invest in Learning about Cryptocurrencies

 Hello everyone and welcome to my Blog - Tchize Matias the blog author. 

Today I will talk about 10 reasons why you should learn about cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography to secure their transactions and prevent counterfeiting.

They operate on decentralised networks that are not controlled by any central authority, such as a government or a bank.

Cryptocurrencies have become very popular in recent years, and there are many benefits to learning more about them. Here are 10 reasons why you should learn about cryptocurrencies:

  1. It creates career opportunities. Cryptocurrencies are not only a form of money, but also a technology that can be applied to various fields and industries. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can gain valuable skills and knowledge that can help you find jobs or start your own business in the crypto space.  Many roles and positions require crypto expertise, such as developers, analysts, traders, marketers, educators, and more.

  2. It is are silent technology. Cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain technology, a distributed ledger system that records and verifies transactions without the need for intermediaries. Blockchain technology is very secure, transparent, and efficient and can withstand attacks, censorship, and corruption. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can understand how blockchain technology works and how it can be used to solve real-world problems.

  3. It is an investment opportunity. Cryptocurrencies are not only a medium of exchange, but also a store of value and an asset class. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can discover the potential and risks of investing in them. You can also learn how to diversify your portfolio, analyze market trends, and make informed decisions based on your own research and judgment.

  1. It enables instant settlement. Cryptocurrencies allow you to send and receive money across the world in a matter of minutes or seconds, without the need for intermediaries or fees. This makes them faster, cheaper, and more convenient than traditional payment methods. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can benefit from their speed and low cost and also learn how to protect your privacy and security online

  2. It enhances online security. Cryptocurrencies use cryptography to encrypt and authenticate their transactions and data. This makes them very difficult to hack or tamper with, unlike conventional systems that rely on passwords or personal information. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can learn how to use cryptography to safeguard your online activities and data.

  3. It is an alternative to corporations. Cryptocurrencies are not issued or controlled by any central authority, such as a government or a corporation. They are created and governed by the people who use them, through a process of consensus and democracy. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can participate in their creation and governance, and also support their social and environmental causes.

  4. It is a global phenomenon. Cryptocurrencies are used by millions of people around the world, from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds. They transcend borders, languages, and barriers, and create a global community of users and enthusiasts. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can join this community and connect with people who share your interests and values.

  5. It is a source of innovation. Cryptocurrencies are constantly evolving and improving, thanks to the creativity and ingenuity of their developers and users. They introduce new features, functions, and applications that challenge the status quo and offer new possibilities for the future. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can witness and contribute to their innovation and progress.

  1. It is a form of education. Cryptocurrencies are not only a technology, but also a discipline that encompasses various fields of study, such as mathematics, computer science, economics, finance, law, sociology, psychology, and more. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can enrich your knowledge and broaden your perspective on these subjects.

  2. It is fun and exciting. Cryptocurrencies are not only useful and practical, but also fun and exciting to learn about. They offer a lot of entertainment value through their games, memes, art, culture, humour, and more. By learning about cryptocurrencies, you can enjoy their fun side and have a good time.

These are 10 reasons why you should learn about cryptocurrencies. I hope you found this blog article helpful and informative. If you did, please like, share, subscribe, and comment below on what you think about cryptocurrencies or what topics you want me to cover next time.

Thank you for reading my blog post, I truly hope this content is useful for you.

Monday 27 May 2024

Cryptocurrency Investment Strategies: What the Experts Won’t Tell You


Welcome to the enigmatic world of cryptocurrency investment, where the promise of substantial returns is matched only by the complexity of the strategies employed to achieve them. While the internet is awash with generic advice and the same recycled tips, this post aims to unveil the guarded secrets and nuanced tactics that seasoned investors use but seldom share. From timing the market to leveraging cutting-edge technology, we’ll explore the sophisticated strategies that could give you an edge in the digital currency arena.

Understanding the Market 

The first step to successful cryptocurrency investment is a thorough understanding of the market. This volatile landscape requires investors to be well-versed in reading charts, understanding trends, and recognizing patterns. Utilize tools like CoinMarketCap and CryptoCompare for real-time data analysis, and don’t shy away from deeper analytics platforms that offer insights into transaction volumes and wallet activities. Knowledge is power, and in the crypto market, it’s the foundation of every smart investment decision.

Risk Management 

Cryptocurrency’s volatility is both its allure and its peril. Effective risk management is crucial. Diversify your portfolio across different digital currencies and blockchain projects to mitigate risk. Implement stop-loss orders to protect against significant losses, and consider using dollar-cost averaging to smooth out the price volatility over time. Remember, never invest more than you can afford to lose – the golden rule of any investment, but especially pertinent in the crypto world.

Investment Timing 

Timing is everything. While ‘buy low, sell high’ might sound simple, executing it is anything but. Develop an understanding of market cycles and sentiment analysis to identify the best times to enter and exit positions. Look for signs of market exhaustion for selling opportunities and accumulation patterns for buying. Be wary of FOMO (fear of missing out) driving your decisions; disciplined timing based on research is key.

The Role of Technology 

Technology is the linchpin of cryptocurrency investment. Automated trading bots can execute trades faster than any human, capitalising on market movements 24/7. Blockchain analytics can provide a deeper understanding of the flow of digital assets, potentially signalling market movements. Embrace these technologies, but with a critical eye, ensuring they align with your overall investment strategy.

Psychological Factors 

Investor psychology can often be the downfall of otherwise sound strategies. The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies can lead to emotional decision-making. Develop a mindset that remains unswayed by the market’s highs and lows. Stick to your investment plan, and don’t let greed or fear dictate your actions. A clear head will prevail in the tumultuous crypto market.


Cryptocurrency investment is not for the faint-hearted, but with the right strategies, it can be incredibly rewarding. By understanding the market, managing risks, timing your investments wisely, leveraging technology, and maintaining a disciplined psychological approach, you can navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency investment. Remember, the most successful investors are those who learn continuously, adapt swiftly, and invest judiciously.

Monday 13 May 2024

Unmasking Your Guide to Avoiding Online Trading Scams

 Stop Online Scams and Protect Your Money

The exciting world of online trading also harbors bad actors looking to steal your hard-earned cash. This guide exposes platforms like and equips you to safeguard yourself. We'll explore red flags, Cexasia's tactics, and how to fight back.

Here is also a Video Review on same Platform.

Spot the Warning Signs

Before diving into, let's learn the common tricks of fraudulent trading platforms. These include:

  • Unrealistic Returns: Guaranteed high profits are a major red flag. Real investing involves risk.
  • Secrecy and Confusion: A legit platform is transparent. Beware of unclear terms or hidden fees.
  • Unproven Results: A platform with a genuine track record will showcase it. Don't trust unverifiable claims.
  • High-Pressure Sales: Legitimate platforms won't pressure you to invest. Be wary of aggressive tactics.

By recognizing these red flags, you'll be better equipped to avoid online scams.

Cexasia. pro Exposed, like many scams, uses deceptive tactics to lure you in. We'll dissect their tricks to protect you:

  • Deceptive Promises: might promise unrealistic profits or guaranteed success. Don't fall for it.
  • Fabricated Trust: They might create a fake sense of security with fabricated testimonials or awards. Research independently.

Understanding these tactics will help you build defences against and similar scams.

Regulation: Protecting Your Finances

Regulations are essential for a safe online trading environment. Here's why they matter:

  • Curbing Fraudulent Platforms: Regulations make it harder for scams like to operate.
  • Consumer Protection: Rules ensure platforms are held accountable, minimising your risk.

However, keeping pace with the evolving digital landscape can be challenging for regulators.

Financial Literacy: Your Best Weapon

Educating yourself is one of the most effective ways to fight online scams. Here's what you should know:

  • Responsible Investing: Understand the risks involved before investing. Don't be swayed by promises of easy money.
  • Risk Management: Develop a strategy to manage risk and avoid impulsive decisions.
  • Due Diligence: Research any platform thoroughly before investing. Don't take their word for it.

By empowering yourself with financial knowledge, you can make informed investment decisions.

Report and Fight Back Against Scams

Users like you are crucial in identifying and reporting scams. Here's how you can help:

  • Report Inform relevant authorities about suspicious platforms like
  • Collaboration is Key: By working together, users, industry experts, and regulators can combat online scams more effectively.

Don't Trust Fake Reviews and similar scams often resort to buying fake positive reviews to appear legitimate. Here's how to spot them:

  • Unrealistic Praise: Reviews that sound too good to be true probably are. Look for balanced reviews.
  • Generic Wording: Fake reviews often use generic phrases and lack specifics. Be wary of vague endorsements.

By understanding how platforms manipulate reviews, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions.

Building a Secure Trading Future

Winning the fight against online scams requires a multi-pronged approach. Here's what you can do:

  • Stay Informed: Educate yourself about red flags and common scams.
  • Be Vigilant: Report suspicious activity to the authorities.
  • Support Regulation: Advocate for stronger regulations to safeguard online trading.

Together, we can create a safer online trading environment for everyone. Remember, be cautious of platforms like, report scams, and prioritize financial literacy. By working together, we can combat online fraud and protect our investments.

Additional Resources:

Before investing, check government warnings about scams:


We cannot guarantee the effectiveness of recovery services or the contact provided. Always conduct thorough research before seeking assistance.

Saturday 5 August 2023

O que trading (Negociacoes de Mercado ) e Como Funciona


O que há nesta página?

 - O que é negociação?
 - Quais ativos e mercados você pode negociar?
 - Negociação x investimento
 - Quem negocia e investe?
 - Como funciona a negociação?
 - Como começar a negociar
 - Exemplos de negociação

O que é negociação?

Negociação é a compra e venda de instrumentos financeiros com o objetivo de obter lucro. Esses instrumentos variam de uma variedade de ativos aos quais é atribuído um valor financeiro que pode subir ou descer - e você pode negociar na direção que eles tomarem.

Você pode ter ouvido falar sobre ações, ações e fundos. Mas existem milhares de mercados financeiros que você pode negociar e uma variedade de produtos que você pode usar para negociá-los.

Você pode obter exposição a mercados tão diversos quanto o S&P 500, o FTSE 100, moedas globais como o dólar americano ou o iene japonês, ou até mesmo commodities como suínos ou bovinos.

Para começar, você precisa criar uma conta em uma plataforma que ofereça seus mercados preferidos. Nossa plataforma de negociação on-line possui uma variedade de mercados financeiros que permitem especular se o preço de um ativo aumentará ou diminuirá. Além disso, compilamos um guia de negociação para iniciantes abaixo para ajudá-lo a se familiarizar com os diferentes mercado..

Ativos financeiros que você pode negociar

Quais ativos e mercados você pode negociar?

Existem mais de 17.000 ativos financeiros e mercados que você pode negociar conosco.
Esses incluem:

  • Ações
  • Índices
  • forex
  • ETFs
  • Títulos
  • Commodities
  • Taxa de juros
  • IPOs

Qualquer que seja o instrumento que você negocie, o resultado final pretendido é sempre o mesmo: obter lucro. Se sua especulação sobre o movimento do mercado estiver correta, você terá lucro. Mas, se o mercado se mover contra a sua posição, você terá prejuízo.

É importante observar que a negociação é inerentemente arriscada - e você pode perder mais do que o esperado se não tomar as medidas adequadas de gerenciamento de risco.

Negociação x investimento

A diferença entre negociar e investir está nos meios de obter lucro e se você assume a propriedade do ativo. Os traders obtêm lucros comprando na baixa e vendendo na alta (operando comprado) ou vendendo na alta e comprando na baixa (operando a descoberto), geralmente no curto ou médio prazo. Como o trader estaria apenas especulando sobre o movimento futuro do preço de mercado, seja de alta ou de baixa, ele não ganharia a propriedade do ativo subjacente.

Os investidores pretendem comprar o ativo subjacente a um preço favorável. Eles obtêm lucros por possuir o ativo e, em seguida, vendê-lo a um preço mais alto. A esperança é que o preço de mercado suba a longo prazo para que eles possam lucrar com a diferença de preço. Os investidores também podem obter renda na forma de dividendos (no caso de ações) se a empresa os conceder. Além disso, eles terão direitos de voto dos acionistas (se elegíveis).

Lembre-se, conosco você só pode negociar derivativos por meio de CFDs.

Quem negocia e quem investe?

Os comerciantes, ao contrário dos investidores, são aqueles que preferem fazer uso de alavancagem e derivativos para operar comprados ou vendidos em vários mercados.

Indivíduos (chamados comerciantes de varejo), instituições e governos participam dos mercados financeiros comprando e vendendo ativos com o objetivo de obter lucro.

Em 2021, os varejistas representaram 23% de todas as negociações de ações nos EUA, o dobro do valor de 2019, comprando mais de US$ 1,9 bilhão em ações. 1, 2 A volatilidade relacionada ao coronavírus, que viu os preços das ações flutuarem a uma taxa sem precedentes, foi seguida por esses números crescentes.

Alguns traders financeiros aderem a um determinado instrumento ou classe de ativos, enquanto outros têm portfólios mais diversificados. Governos e instituições podem se adaptar em um ritmo muito mais rápido, pois geralmente possuem departamentos que se concentram no comércio de diferentes setores e indústrias. As instituições continuam sendo os maiores participantes do mercado, com cerca de 77% dos negócios atribuídos a elas.

Para pessoas físicas investirem na bolsa de valores, elas devem passar por uma corretora que executará a ordem. Eles farão sua devida diligência, pesquisarão antes de fazer uma negociação, lerão gráficos, estudarão tendências; e o corretor agirá em seu nome. Os comerciantes de varejo assumem posições de suas próprias contas privadas, que eles financiam – eles assumem o risco total de perder seu capital.

As instituições que negociam incluem bancos comerciais, fundos de hedge e corporações que influenciam a liquidez e a volatilidade das ações no mercado. Isso ocorre porque eles normalmente se envolvem em negociações em bloco, que compreendem a compra ou venda de pelo menos 10.000 ações ou mais por vez. 3

Essas entidades lucram com a oferta e demanda de bens ou produtos, instabilidade política, disponibilidade de moeda (incluindo o movimento das taxas de juros) e muitos outros fatores.

Como funciona a negociação?

Ao negociar, você lucra se o preço de mercado se mover na mesma direção de sua especulação; no entanto, se for na direção oposta, você incorrerá em perda.

A premissa básica a ser lembrada é a oferta e a demanda. Quando há mais compradores do que vendedores no mercado, a demanda é maior e o preço sobe. Se houver mais vendedores do que compradores no mercado, a demanda é reduzida e o preço cai.

A obtenção de exposição a ativos só pode ser realizada no mercado de balcão (OTC) ou diretamente em uma bolsa.

A negociação OTC envolve duas partes (trader e broker) chegando a um acordo sobre o preço de compra e venda de um ativo. Considerando que uma troca centralizada é um mercado altamente organizado onde você pode negociar um tipo específico de instrumento diretamente.

As ações são mais acessíveis ao negociar OTC usando derivativos como CFDs (em comparação diretamente em uma bolsa centralizada).

DefiniçõesA negociação acontece entre duas partes e geralmente envolve uma rede de revendedoresA negociação acontece diretamente no livro de ofertas da bolsa – não há intermediário
LocalizaçõesSem localização física central – apenas uma rede virtual de participantesLocalização física real
Horários24/7Horário específico de troca
RiscoRisco de contraparte, os ativos podem ser mais voláteis e, como o OTC pode ser negociado com alavancagem, há risco de perder mais do que o seu depósitoCusto mais alto, horário fixo e você pode negociar com alavancagem em alguns casos (opções e futuros)

Como começar a negociar

Os CFDs são veículos de negociação populares que permitem aos traders obter exposição aos ativos subjacentes por meio de alavancagem. Em comparação com a negociação direta em uma bolsa centralizada, eles oferecem maior acessibilidade ao subjacente. Com CFDs, você também pode obter exposição a vários mercados por meio de futuros e opções listados.

Aqui estão as etapas que você seguirá para começar a negociar em nossa plataforma:

1. Escolha sua conta de negociação

Conosco, você pode criar uma conta de negociação ao vivo ou de demonstração. É importante notar, especialmente ao negociar CFDs com fundos reais, que você só terá lucro se sua previsão estiver correta - se não estiver, você terá uma perda. Além disso, o valor exato – seja lucro ou prejuízo – é baseado na diferença entre o preço de abertura e o preço de fechamento.

Criar conta de negociação ao vivo

Você pode aprender como funciona a negociação de CFD abrindo uma conta demo conosco. Sua conta será creditada com $ 20.000 em fundos virtuais que você pode usar para praticar e aumentar sua confiança em um ambiente livre de riscos. Nenhum saque pode ser feito desta conta, pois os fundos são apenas para fins de promulgação.

2. Escolha seu ativo e mercado

Escolha um mercado com o qual você esteja familiarizado ou um ativo que você possa negociar com base em sua experiência e apetite ao risco.

Oferecemos mais de 13.000 mercados CFD para negociar como ações, forex, commodities, índices, títulos e muito mais. Nossa plataforma apresenta uma barra de pesquisa para ajudá-lo a encontrar o mercado que lhe interessa, ou você pode navegar pelos mercados mais populares no painel esquerdo. Você também pode acessar todos esses recursos em nosso aplicativo móvel. 50% dos nossos usuários rastreiam os saldos de suas contas, abrem posições e visualizam transações anteriores usando nosso aplicativo de negociação .

3. Decida se deseja negociar o preço à vista, futuros ou opções

Você pode negociar o preço à vista em todos os nossos mercados. A negociação à vista significa comprar e vender ativos à taxa de mercado atual - conhecida como preço à vista ou à vista. É geralmente preferido pelos traders de curto prazo, pois as posições não têm data de vencimento fixa e o spread é relativamente baixo. Taxas overnight se aplicam à negociação à vista.Você também pode negociar futuros (conhecidos como forwards em certos mercados). Os futuros dão a você o direito de comprar ou vender o ativo subjacente a um preço predeterminado em uma determinada data, antes do vencimento do contrato. Os futuros têm spreads mais altos, mas sem taxas overnight, e geralmente são preferidos pelos traders de médio a longo prazo.

Alguns comerciantes preferem opções sobre futuros porque várias estratégias podem ser empregadas para limitar o risco e a exposição não é linear, com mais maneiras de potencialmente lucrar. O valor do tempo, também chamado de teta, de uma opção também decai de maneira não linear.

Negociação de CFDs

Exemplos de negociação

Confira alguns exemplos de trading financeiro e saiba como começar:

  • Negociação de ações via CFDs
  • Negociação de índices via CFDs

Digamos que as ações do eBay estejam sendo negociadas atualmente a US$ 51,615, com um preço de compra de US$ 51,630 e um preço de venda de US$ 51,600. Você antecipa que o valor das ações aumentará nos próximos dias, então decide comprar 150 CFDs de ações a $ 51.630.

Se o preço das ações do eBay subisse e fosse negociado a $ 52,615 com um novo preço de compra de $ 52,630 e preço de venda de $ 52,600, você fecharia sua posição invertendo sua negociação inicial, vendendo 150 CFDs de ações a $ 52,600.

Para calcular seu lucro, você multiplicaria a diferença entre o preço de fechamento e o preço de abertura de sua negociação por seu tamanho. Nesse caso, seu lucro seria de $ 145,50 ([$ 52.600 – $ 51.630] x 150), excluindo quaisquer custos adicionais.

No entanto, se o preço das ações do eBay tivesse caído para $ 50,515 (preço de compra $ 50,530 e preço de venda $ 50,500) e você fechasse sua posição vendendo as ações pelo novo preço de venda, você teria prejuízo. Você pode calcular essa perda multiplicando a diferença entre o preço de fechamento e o preço de abertura de sua negociação por seu tamanho. Nesse caso, isso seria uma perda de $ 169,50 ([$ 51,630 – $ 50,500] x 150 CFDs de ações), excluindo quaisquer custos adicionais.

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